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How to get $ 10 per day from SafelinkU Shortlink

Safelinku is an online service that is useful for shortening the link or we usually call shortlinks, maybe before I have discussed the best bitly shortlinks replacing Google Url Shortener. Shortlink Bitly is clearly different from SafelinkU, because in SafelinkU we can produce rupiah coffers and a lot of dollars.

How to get dollars from Safelinku is quite easy because we only need to shorten interesting links to visit and then distributed dissocial media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and so on that can attract someone to open the links that you have shared.

SafelinkU Shortlink until now I still use to look for the Dollar coins when I share the GTA SA mod, this is quite profitable because the calculations on the Safelinku Shortlink 1 IP = 1 click and the Indonesian Rate around $ 3/1,000 click. If we can produce a minimum of 5,000 clicks per day then your daily income is guaranteed by sitting sweetly in front of the computer can produce $ 15.

How to get $ 10 per day from SafelinkU shortlink

For those of you who are interested in making money from shortlinks, it is highly recommended compared to other shortlinks because the shortlink rate is quite high and has been trusted from 2016 even though some time ago this shortlink experienced a little problem but it had returned to normal.

Safelinku is suitable for those of you who have a download blog or an author mod (modder) like me because it is very easy to get a click if the goal is to download files that are quite interesting, but please note do not try to play cheating on this shortlink. The risk can be banned.

Just follow the following steps to register and how to shorten the link in SafelinkU.

How to register SafelinkU account

1. Open the website then immediately fill in the form as shown below.

  • First Name: Your First Name
  • Last Name: Your last name
  • Username: Name to Login Account
  • EMAI L: Fill in your email
  • Password: Write the password you want to use
  • Re-Enter Password: re-enter the password that you have written before
  • Country: Choose the Philippines
  • Re-Captcha: Re Captcha Security Enter

If everything is directly click Sumbit, don't forget to open an email, usually there is an incoming email to verify the registered account

2. Registration has been completed you can immediately open the dashboard to start shortening the link, prepare the link you want to shorten then enter the form provided then click the shortening button like winged. The results of shortening the link are ready to be shared.

How to make money from SafelinkU

1. Share the links that you have socialmedia or crowded blog downloads, for example, I will share the GTA SA mod (download) in the GTA SA group which has 250,000 members.

2. Don't share those who violate the Safelinku service conditions.

3. Payment methods to receive money from Safelinku are varied through funds/OVO/bank transfer/paypal.

That's how to get money from shortlinks easily, I have used this method and it is enough to make money instead of quota.

If you intend and be able to share with a lot of clicks you get, you will get more dollars from SafelinkU Shortlink, especially the target of sharing with a country with a high rate such

Thank you for visiting and reading articles from me, hopefully it helps and is useful to be able to produce dollars from SafelinkU shortlinks easily, for those who find it difficult to pass shortlink safelinku can read the following article Easy Ways to Cross Shortlink Safelinku.

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